Our Partners & MISSIONS

Through relationship, prayer, and financial support, we are committed to maintaining partnerships in our mutual efforts to reach people with the Gospel.

Local Opportunities

Denver Dream Center

Bringing hope to the hopeless. Inspiring change and restoring dreams of people in Denver.


Opportunities: Adopt-a-block, sports camps, family aid, prison rehabilitation, educational programs, food and clothing pantry, outreach events

North Denver Cares Food Pantry

North Denver Cares food pantry is a non-profit organization that provides temporary, emergency help to the unemployed, the underemployed, the elderly on fixed incomes and single parents. Help is available on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.


Opportunities: Food collection and distribution.

Broomfield FISH

Broomfield FISH supports Broomfield County neighbors with meeting their basic needs.


Opportunities: Food and essentials pantry sorting and stocking, client services, donation collection, fundraising events

A Precious Child

Providing opportunities and resources to Colorado children in need to empower them to achieve their full potential.


Opportunities: Resource center, mentoring, educational activities, backpack drives

The Refuge

Carved out of 1.2 million acres of National Forest in Bailey, Colorado, The Refuge is a space set aside more than a century ago to provide solitude and rest for those in need of a place to restore, revive, and refresh!


Opportunities: Trail/camp clearing, adopt a cabin, remodeling work.

Hope House Colorado

Help transform the lives of teen moms and their children.


Opportunities: Work directly with our teen moms and little ones, join a fundraising or event committee, or just offer to share your skills and talents. There is always a place for you!

Want to Parnter with The Living Stone Church

We would love to hear about your mission